Air Freight News
China’s strengthening recovery cements status as global outlier
China’s economic rebound gathered pace in October, cementing the nation’s status as the only major economy tipped to grow this year.
Trump plans more actions on China in coming weeks to bind Biden
U.S. President Donald Trump plans several new hard-line moves against China in the remaining weeks of his term, according to a senior administration official, potentially…
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Why China is creating a new Asia-Pacific trade pact
First President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from a 12-nation, pan-Pacific trade deal known as the TPP. Then Prime Minister Narendra Modi pulled India out…
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Brexit talks hit make-your-mind-up time as deadlines come and go
European Union officials say it’s make-your-mind-up time for Boris Johnson. Does he want a trade deal with the bloc, or not?
Core U.S. producer prices rose less than forecast in October
A key measure of prices paid to U.S. producers decelerated in October, consistent with a pandemic that continues to limit pricing power.
World’s biggest free-trade deal set to be signed this weekend
Fifteen Asia-Pacific nations including China aim to clinch the world’s largest free-trade agreement this weekend.
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Johnson dream of a U.K.-U.S. trade deal hits Biden reality check
Joe Biden’s election is serving up a rude reality check for U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s desire to quickly close a trade deal with the…
Biden will need to talk tech and tax to fix ties with Europe
Healing divisions on such things as 5G networks, digital taxation and privacy rules might be key to rebooting the transatlantic security alliance.
Trump bans investments in firms controlled by China military
Donald Trump signed an order prohibiting U.S. investments in Chinese firms determined to be owned or controlled by the country’s military, the latest bid by…
Trump’s Taiwan, Hong Kong support poses early test for Biden
After Donald Trump’s election in late 2016, the then-president-elect took an unprecedented phone call from Taiwan’s leader Tsai Ing-Wen, shattering decades of diplomatic protocol and…