Air Freight News
What trade war? Trump heartland sees record farm sales to China
Measured by the bushel, the U.S.-China relationship has never been stronger.Through the trade war and open hostilities at the highest political levels, pig farmers in…
Johnson needs two Brexit deals, not one
Parallel talks over Britain’s compliance with last year’s withdrawal treaty are also crucial. The consequences of failure would be dire. 
U.K.’s Johnson says Brexit talks ‘very tricky’ but still hopeful
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a downbeat assessment of the state of trade talks with the European Union, saying the situation is “very tricky”…
Macron and Merkel agree to keep Brexit off EU summit’s agenda
Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron have agreed that Brexit negotiations should be kept off the agenda of this week’s summit of European Union leaders, a…
British businesses slam last-minute Brexit as talks sputter
U.K. businesses fired a broadside at ministers for leaving them no time to adapt to post-Brexit rules, even if negotiators do strike a trade deal.
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China-US farm ties are stronger and more tenuous than ever
Measured by the bushel, the U.S.-China relationship has never been stronger.Through the trade war and open hostilities at the highest political levels, pig farmers in…
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Asia’s historic trade pact to open oil-supply route to China
South Korea and Japan look set to be the biggest winners in the Asian oil and chemicals marketplace as the world’s largest regional free-trade agreement…
China doesn’t need that much pork after record imports this year
Pork imports by the world’s top consumer may fall as much as 30% next year as the recovery of China’s hog herd from African swine…
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Samsonite pivots more to backpacks, handbags to ride out Covid
Samsonite International SA said it’s speeding up its shift toward the emerging non-travel segment as the coronavirus pandemic devastates the global luggage business.
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Soy-hungry China gets early start buying America’s 2021 crop
China is so hungry for soybeans that it has started buying U.S. supplies from next year’s crop much earlier than usual.