Air Freight News
Johnson’s Brexit divide-and-rule plan is failing
Instead of prodding Germany into a Brexit deal against French wishes, the U.K. prime minister is binding them closer together.
Maybe Brexit isn’t so bad after all
The events of the last year should prompt a reassessment of the European Union’s virtues.
China to charge extra anti-subsidy duties on Australian wine
China will start collecting extra duties on Australian wine from Friday, further ratcheting up tensions with Canberra and handing another blow to an industry already…
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Biden taps House senior counsel for US Trade Representative
President-elect Joe Biden has tapped senior House staffer Katherine Tai to become his trade representative, two people familiar with the matter said.
UK and Germany trade no-deal threats before Brexit dinner
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traded Brexit red lines with Germany’s Angela Merkel ahead of a vital dinner in Brussels that could make or break…
Europe’s plan to keep planes flying if there’s no Brexit deal
The European Union will publish contingency measures this week to keep flights in the air and trucks on the road if it fails to reach…
Retail imports still strong after setting new records for the holiday season
Imports remain strong after setting new records this fall as retailers stocked up both stores and warehouses for the holiday season and met new demands…
Johnson seeks Brexit breakthrough at dinner in Brussels
Boris Johnson is heading into what may be the most important meal of his life: a dinner with the head of the European Commission in…
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A once-promising global deal to prevent overfishing runs aground
In the halcyon days of 2015, leaders gathered at the United Nations pledged “bold and transformative steps” to put the planet on a more sustainable…
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AGTC Hears U.S. Import Surge Could Last Through 2021
Paul Bingham, an economist for IHS Markit, told the Agriculture Transportation Coalition ( AgTC) members that the surge of imports into the United States from…