Air Freight News
Vietnam’s rice trade thrown into turmoil on export halt muddle
Vietnam’s rice traders have halted overseas shipments after the customs department ordered a temporary suspension of exports on Tuesday to ensure food security during the…
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Global rush for Trump-backed virus drug sparks India export ban
India banned exports of a malaria drug backed by U.S. President Donald Trump amid a run on supplies globally, even as scientists continue to search…
The humming of Chinese plants returns as rest of world reels
While much of the world’s output is grinding to a halt because of the coronavirus, China is slowly emerging from its shutdowns by restarting production…
Pandemic is ripping up supply chains and may boost Europe’s east
There may be an upside for Europe’s east from the havoc wreaked on global supply chains by the coronavirus.
They’re called essential, but food workers are resisting
Federal governments have been quick to exempt food makers and distributors from lockdowns -- after all, people have to eat. Now some local authorities and…
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Cheap US corn lures Chinese buyers seeking American grain
Cheap American corn is luring prospective Chinese purchasers again less than a week after the Asian nation picked up the most supplies in almost seven…
How to help Iran fight the virus
The Trump administration can allow the Islamic Republic to deal with the crisis without compromising American security.
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FDA lifts curbs on Indian maker of virus drug touted by Trump
U.S. regulators have lifted import restrictions on an Indian pharmaceutical company in an effort to increase supplies of a malaria drug touted by President Donald…
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A doyen of globalization makes its final retreat
The world changed, and Li & Fung didn’t change enough.
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Virus hobbles world’s biggest soy exporters with harvest nearing
The world’s biggest exporters of soybean meal and oil are fending off a slew of logistical hurdles as they rush to get ready for the…