Air Freight News
Europe’s Biggest Pork Exporter Reopens Plant Shuttered by Covid
Danish Crown, Europe’s biggest pork exporter, will reopen an abattoir in Denmark after an outbreak of Covid-19 among staff was brought under control.
India ban on $47 billion arms imports sowing uncertainty
India’s move to ban the import of certain weapon systems will do little to boost local manufacturing and is sowing uncertainty at a time when…
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Prohibited Hog Plums at Starr Camargo International Bridge
U.S. Customs and Border Protection agriculture specialists at the Starr-Camargo International Bridge intercepted a load of prohibited fruits co-mingled within a commercial shipment of tomatillo…
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Israel and UAE agree to establish ties; Annexation is paused
Israel and the United Arab Emirates reached an agreement to begin normalizing relations, a potentially historic breakthrough hailed by American and Israeli leaders as a…
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Head of busiest U.S. port says China to miss agriculture target
The head of the U.S.’s busiest port said China is on track to buy less than one-third of the American agricultural products it promised to…
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Xi Makes a political gamble by telling chinese to clean their plates
Xi Jinping wants 1.4 billion diners to clean their plates. But the Chinese president’s campaign against food waste risks touching a third rail in a…
China’s industry-led recovery continues but retail stays weak
China’s economic recovery continued in July with industrial growth remaining steady, even as weak retail sales undercut the rebound.
North Korean leader replaces Premier as economy hit by floods
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un replaced the premier he named about a year ago and lifted a lockdown on the border city of Kaesong…
Boeing-Airbus trade dispute Is a pointless relic
The question of who gave what aid many years ago feels outdated when the pandemic has forced governments on both sides to protect their aerospace…
IPhone maker Pegatron to take over casing unit to fight Luxshare
iPhone assembler Pegatron Corp. is taking over Casetek Holdings Ltd., strengthening its position against rising Chinese rival Luxshare Precision Industry Co.