Air Freight News
Trump administration reassures Apple, other firms on using WeChat in China
The Trump administration is privately seeking to reassure U.S. companies including Apple Inc. that they can still do business with the WeChat messaging app in…
Rabobank joins major lenders reviewing commodity trade finance
Rabobank Group is reviewing its commodity trade finance business, joining other major lenders in reconsidering their roles in an industry upended by recent trading scandals…
MercadoLibre eyes more cross-border shipping in land of red tape
Already Latin America’s biggest company by market value, e-commerce giant MercadoLibre Inc. is embarking on a new strategy to boost international sales despite operating in…
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Japan, India and Australia to seek supply chain pact
Japan, India and Australia are seeking to build stronger supply chains to counter China’s dominance as trade and geopolitical tensions escalate across the region, according…
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U.S. trade chief lays out his vision to revive the ailing WTO
America’s top trade official, Robert Lighthizer, laid out his vision for overhauling the World Trade Organization, which is confronting the most challenging period in its…
Pompeo rebukes allies on Iran, hands UN sanctions demand
Secretary of State Michael Pompeo formally notified the United Nations of the U.S. demand to reinstate global sanctions against Iran and slammed European allies who…
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Metal Magnate targets string of smaller steel buys in India
British metals tycoon Sanjeev Gupta is aiming to buy at least half a dozen smaller steel plants in India by 2025 after losing out on…
Ugly harvest is latest test for farmer patience in Trump country
Rolling along Iowa’s gentle hills in mid-August is usually like surfing a green tidal wave. Corn fields are so lush that plants often tower several…
Trump threatens tariffs for U.S. companies that won’t move jobs back
President Donald Trump threatened Thursday that if he’s re-elected, he’ll impose tariffs on U.S. companies that refuse to move jobs back to the country from…
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Pessimism returns to Brexit talks as hopes for deal slip away
U.K. and European Union officials fear a Brexit deal is at risk of slipping through their fingers, with little progress made on key topics that…