Air Freight News
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Johnson presses on with Brexit law-break plan after Lords defeat
The U.K.’s House of Lords rejected government plans to break international law over Brexit, putting the onus back on Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who immediately…
US imposes more sanctions over China’s Hong Kong crackdown
The U.S. is imposing sanctions on four more people in its continuing response to China’s crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong, the Treasury Department announced…
Nigeria exempts Dangote Cement from land border closure
The Nigerian government has allowed Dangote Cement to resume exports across its land borders, raising hopes that Africa’s most populous nation may be opening up…
Imports set new ‘peak season’ record as retailers prepare for holidays
Imports likely saw their busiest “peak season” on record this summer and fall as retailers replenished inventories and stocked up for the holiday season, according…
Leaders slowest to congratulate Biden may be his big worries
While congratulations have flowed in from around the world for Democrat Joe Biden in his victory over Republican President Donald Trump, some world leaders have…
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Germany’s Merkel sees work ahead to repair relations with U.S.
Chancellor Angela Merkel made clear that even with Donald Trump no longer president, Europe’s relationship with the U.S had changed and that the continent had…
Johnson enters Brexit endgame that could define his tenure
Boris Johnson faces a pivotal week for his leadership as the U.K. stands on the brink of completing its separation from the European Union.
China’s meat imports seen surging to record on pork shortages
China’s meat imports this year are on track to reach the highest ever as the world’s top pork consumer increases purchases to meet demand after…
China crop futures tumble as Biden election spurs import hopes
Chinese crop futures retreated for a second day after Joe Biden’s election as the new U.S. president spurred expectations of more farm imports from America…
Biden Win May Curb U.S. Oil Drilling, Super-Charge Renewables
Biden’s victory could end up reshaping the U.S. energy sector in years to come, although the president-elect may have limited room to maneuver given that…