Air Freight News
Biden gets a $4 billion reminder to patch trade ties with Europe
Barely 48 hours after President-elect Joe Biden pledged to “make America respected around the world again,” the European Union was among the first in line…
Summers advises next Treasury chief to return to strong dollar
Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers has advice for whoever has his old job next year: Don’t mess with the dollar.
Nigeria exempts Dangote, 2 other firms from border closure
Nigeria has allowed Dangote Cement to resume exports across its land borders, raising hopes that Africa’s most-populous nation may be opening up trade with neighbors…
Russia plans Eurobond sale before Biden acts on sanctions
Russia is seizing on a market rally after the U.S. election to sell its first Eurobond in more than a year.
US trade policy is ready for its Biden makeover
Stopping the tariff-war madness with allies is something the new president could do right away with executive powers.
German car lobby seeks unity with US after Trump’s bashing
Germany’s auto-industry lobby urged Europe and the U.S. to reconcile on trade after enduring four years of hounding by U.S. President Donald Trump.
Latest US sanctions show Trump isn’t finished hitting China
The U.S. has imposed sanctions on four more officials accused of undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy, showing the Trump administration is ready to keep hitting out…
Johnson has a serious Biden problem on Brexit
The prime minister's brinkmanship on the Irish border won't wash with the president elect.
UK carmakers sink almost $1 billion into Brexit preparation
Carmakers in the U.K. have spent at least 735 million pounds ($970 million) preparing for Brexit and warned of a much larger loss in trade…
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EU gives green light to trigger $4 billion tariff strike on US
The European Union will impose tariffs on $4 billion of U.S. goods starting Tuesday in a tit-for-tat escalation of a transatlantic fight over illegal aid…