Air Freight News
China’s soy imports to top 100 million tons as US supply jumps
China’s soybean imports will probably surge above 100 million tons in 2020-21, smashing the previous high set in the last marketing year, as local crushers…
EU rebuffs Johnson’s latest Brexit concession on fish
The European Union rejected the U.K.’s latest concessions on fishing, two officials said, dealing a setback to efforts to secure a post-Brexit trade deal.
China is set to reduce dollar’s influence on Yuan trading basket
The dollar’s influence on how China sets its yuan exchange rate is expected to decrease again this year.
US adds over 100 Chinese, Russian companies to military list
The U.S. Commerce Department added more than 100 Chinese and Russian companies to a new list of firms it says have links to their nations’…
Could Johnson delay Brexit again? This time, it’s harder
Boris Johnson is facing calls to delay Britain’s final parting from the European Union as his government grapples with a mutant strain of coronavirus while…
Pfizer, BioNTech Covid vaccine wins European backing
Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE’s Covid-19 vaccine won the backing of the European medicines regulator, clearing the way for inoculations to start before the end…
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Monkfish price tumble in Scotland shows pain of French shutdown
At the Peterhead fishing port in Scotland, prices for haddock and monkfish were inverted on Monday, skewed by a closed border with France and a…
Biden will inherit a strong hand against Xi, thanks to Trump
Joe Biden will take office next month wielding more leverage over Beijing than he would have ever sought. He can thank Donald Trump and Xi…
Johnson faces deal-or-no-deal choice as EU balks at UK demands
Boris Johnson faces a choice in the next few hours that will define his premiership: accept a trade deal with the European Union or go…
Brexit talks miss another deadline as wrangle over fish drags on
Talks between the U.K. and European Union will resume on Monday after both sides missed another deadline to reach a post-Brexit trade deal with few…