Air Freight News
London finance clings to hope for some post-Brexit EU access
London financiers are keeping the faith that despite being left out of the Brexit trade agreement, their industry can win back some access to the…
Brexit deal may mean less British cod for fish & chips
Scottish fisherman Peter Bruce hoped Brexit would allow him to catch more cod, one of Britain’s favorite fish dishes. Instead, he’s worried he’ll end up…
U.K. to start talks with EU on finance cooperation this week
The U.K. will begin talks with the European Union this week on how regulators will cooperate over financial services now Brexit has been completed.
Iran calls for future nuclear talks to drop sanctions ‘snapback’
The demand by a top advisor suggests the country’s leaders might be willing to amend the nuclear deal.
U.K. to fine firms that hide Chinese imports from Uighur labor
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the U.K. will fine companies if they cover up imports from the Xinjiang region of China, where international observers have…
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U.K. businesses drowning in red tape under Brexit border rules
While the mile-long lines of trucks have dissipated at ports, U.K. businesses are waking up to less visible forms of friction at the border with…
Trump administration designates Cuba state sponsor of terror
The Trump administration put Cuba back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism on Monday, reversing an Obama-era decision and making it harder for…
City of London told EU market-access decision will take time
The British finance industry will have to be patient as the European Union decides what sort of market access it will allow, according to an…
EU Looks past Trump to defuse Transatlantic trade conflict
The European Union is working on a proposal for the incoming Biden administration on a new trade relationship, including settling a longstanding aircraft dispute that…
How China won Trump’s trade war and got Americans to foot the bill
U.S. President Donald Trump famously tweeted that “trade wars are good, and easy to win” in 2018 as he began to impose tariffs on about…