Air Freight News
Want more ventilators? Roll back Trump’s tariffs
The duties are an unnecessary tax on already-strained manufacturers, some of which may be key to helping in the coronavirus fight.
ZIM’s 2019 results
• Adjusted, pre IFRS16, net profit of $12.0 million in 2019, compared to adjusted net loss of $44.6 million in 2018 • Total revenues in…
Las Vegas airport tower closes after controller gets virus
An air-traffic controller at the Las Vegas McCarran International Airport tower tested positive for Covid-19, prompting the closing of the facility and a dramatic reduction…
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Turkish Cargo continues to be the business partner of the trade
While it is trying to compensate any loss of capacity, resulting from the contingency bringing about the effects that are experienced intensely on global basis…
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Gas demand growth in Europe nearly erased as COVID-19 sends continent into lockdown/Rystad Energy
European gas demand in 2020 is likely to drop by 0.7% compared to our pre-coronavirus forecast, according to Rystad Energy’s most likely scenario. Growth will…
US based freight forwarder company to assist Colombian government in light of the current pandemic crisis and its parent company Latam Shipping Inc. , headquartered in Miami , Florida, servicing the entire Latin American region, has committed to transport -…
Bynum departs Harbor Commission for City College post
Long Beach Harbor Commissioner Lou Anne Bynum has resigned from the Board of Harbor Commissioners as she was named Saturday as interim superintendent-president of the…
Hapag Lloyd China & China/Hong Kong – revision of booking cancellation fee
Further to our previous customer notices, Hapag Lloyd would like to inform you that we will implement a revised Booking Cancellation fee for every export…
FIATA – Together we are strong!
FIATA, the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, today voiced its concern as to the impact of the current Coronavirus crisis on the movement of…
Port of Stockton implements COVID-19 procedures
“The Port of Stockton’s priority is to ensure the health and safety of all Port stakeholders; to date, the Port of Stockton’s ability to support…