Air Freight News
The humming of Chinese plants returns as rest of world reels
While much of the world’s output is grinding to a halt because of the coronavirus, China is slowly emerging from its shutdowns by restarting production…
Pandemic is ripping up supply chains and may boost Europe’s east
There may be an upside for Europe’s east from the havoc wreaked on global supply chains by the coronavirus.
Some Asia nations, Canada, Chile pledge to protect supply chains
A group of Asia-Pacific countries, Canada and Chile pledged Wednesday to do what they can to uphold open and connected supply chains as the coronavirus…
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Virgin Australia stops all flights except essential services
Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd. furloughed 80% of its 10,000-strong workforce and said it will only keep flying for essential services as restrictions due to the…
World’s top infrastructure manager eyes India oil, gas pipeline assets
The global slump in oil prices amid the coronavirus outbreak will push Indian state-owned firms to sell some assets, according to Macquarie Infrastructure and Real…
They’re called essential, but food workers are resisting
Federal governments have been quick to exempt food makers and distributors from lockdowns -- after all, people have to eat. Now some local authorities and…
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Cheap US corn lures Chinese buyers seeking American grain
Cheap American corn is luring prospective Chinese purchasers again less than a week after the Asian nation picked up the most supplies in almost seven…
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Port of Oakland’s Driscoll: Imports and exports rising In March
Port of Oakland Maritime Director John Drsicoll says that exports and imports with Asia are on the rise - last week, 9 vessels arrived at…
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Delta Air Lines downgraded to junk at S&P on travel drop
Delta Air Lines Inc. lost its coveted investment-grade status from one rater as S&P Global Ratings cut the company to junk.
With airplanes grounded, market tests pollution credit demand
An auction for carbon allowances on Wednesday will indicate how many permits airlines still need.