Air Freight News
Trump and Putin are all talk on oil price plunge
No amount of bullying or half-hearted diplomacy can stop the plunge in oil demand — and prices — brought on by coronavirus lockdowns worldwide.
Airlines in Philippines seek credit aid as they fight to survive
Airlines in the Philippines are asking for credit relief and a longer reprieve from fees, saying government intervention is needed as the industry faces an…
Oil heads for worst quarter ever as real crude prices plunge
Oil clawed back some losses as Chinese manufacturing data beat expectations, but futures were still heading for the worst quarter on record as the physical…
India lockdown casts shadow on biggest buyer’s palm imports
Palm oil imports by India will probably slump year-on-year for a sixth month in April as a nationwide lockdown in the world’s biggest buyer to…
Industries that missed out on stimulus shoot for the next one
Industries that missed out on the largest stimulus bill in U.S. history are already lobbying to ensure they get a piece of the next one.
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Australia may offer air freight support for seafood exports soon
The Australian government has promised to help the nation’s seafood exporters with freight charter flights to major markets including China, according to producer Ocean Grown…
Food supply is the next virus headache
Measures to slow the spread are disrupting processing, transport and farm labor. A global crisis can still be averted.
Oil aided by China recovery but still set for worst ever quarter
Oil clawed back some losses as signs of a recovery in the Chinese economy bolstered hopes for a rebound in demand though prices are still…
Global demand woes laid bare as China struggles to export steel
China’s steel exporters face bleak times as sweeping lockdowns from Europe to Southeast Asia squeeze demand by shutting factories and stifling trade, highlighting the stiff…
Half of world’s airline capacity grounded by virus, OAG says
The global airline industry is operating with less than half the capacity it had in mid-January after slashing another 20 million seats from scheduled services…