Air Freight News
Airlines seen burning $61 billion in roughest stretch of crisis
Airlines will burn through as much as $61 billion worldwide in the second quarter, industry group IATA predicted, warning that carriers could run out of…
French airline tax deferrals during virus crisis win EU approval
France’s tax deferrals for airlines won European Union approval, the first state subsidies for carriers to be cleared under looser EU rules to help companies…
The return of the barter economy, swapping eggs for toilet paper
Since the beginning of March, unattended folding tables have begun popping up at intersections and the end of people’s driveways, offering everyday goods like rice,…
Expectations for infrastructure investment plummet globally, as COVID-19 outbreak shakes confidence
According to a new survey taken before and after the pandemic, a lack of infrastructure investment driving pessimism around a post-virus economic recovery
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Port of Long Beach’s Cordero says port coping with “unprecedented crisis”
Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero says: “We are coping with an unpredicted crisis caused by COVID-19 virus and the threats it poses…
BA suspending Gatwick flights broadens European shutdown
British Airways suspended operations at its second London hub at Gatwick airport as the airline industry enters deep hibernation to weather the impact of the…
South African gold shipments to London were disrupted
A South African refinery said gold shipments to London have been disrupted because of a lack of commercial flights, adding to the turmoil that’s upending…
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Not made in China is global tech’s next big trend
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Dubai moves to shield prized Emirates Airline from virus fallout
Dubai will grant financial aid to Emirates in order to shield its most valuable asset from the coronavirus fallout, which has forced airlines around the…
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FIS Air Freight Report March 30, 2020
Prices continue a substantial surge from Shanghai, lifting both basket routes up. China to USA now at $5.72 (up 12.6%) and China to Europe up…