Air Freight News
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JAXPORT container expert joins FCBF board
JAXPORT Director of Cargo Sales Frank Camp has been selected to serve on the Board of Directors for the Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders (FCBF)…
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Gasoline, the refiner’s favorite child, is the key fuel behind the global oil demand doom
As the global population puts the breaks on ground transportation thanks to lockdowns, road fuels – which make up about half of the world’s oil…
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Railroads Unclear What’s Around the Bend for U.S. Economy
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Finnlines zero emission Green 5th Generation vessels supervision contract awarded to SeaQuest
SeaQuest Marine Project Management has been entrusted with the prestigious construction supervision job for three Green 5th Generation zero emission NB Ro-Ro vessels for Finnlines…
CMA CGM ends PSS for reefer exports from the USA to Asia
CMA CGM informs its customers that the Peak Season Surcharge of USD 650 per Reefer unit, applicable since March 13th, 2020 is to be cancelled
Chapman Freeborn and Avion Express team up to provide medical cargo on passenger aircraft
By far the largest challenge felt in the air cargo industry currently is a lack of capacity. We are seeing unprecedented demand for the transportation…
Lufthansa Warns of Cash Crunch as Talks With Government Drag On
Deutsche Lufthansa AG risks running low on cash within weeks, with the German airline saying the global oil rout has deepened its distress, and its…
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With ‘Virtually Zero’ Air Travel, Southwest Warns of Pay Risk
Southwest Airlines Co. has to prepare for the risk of becoming a “drastically smaller” company, and Chief Executive Officer Gary Kelly told employees he’d prefer…
Pemex’s Trading Arm Declares Force Majeure on U.S. Gasoline Imports
Mexico, the largest recipient of U.S. gasoline exports, is seeking to cancel imports of the fuel from at least one U.S. company amid the rippling…
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South African Airways Warns of Managed Job Losses or Liquidation
South African Airways administrators delivered a stark choice to those opposing their plan to fire the entire workforce and sell assets: It’s either that or…