Air Freight News
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The World Has Too Much Wheat
Despite scenes of panic buying at grocery stores and worries about key suppliers’ restrictions on wheat exports in recent months, the world is swimming in…
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Delta to Pull Some Older Jets From NYC by Thinning 717 Fleet
Delta Air Lines Inc. will pare its fleet of Boeing Co. 717 jets by at least half over the next year, continuing to cull older,…
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What to Do With a Huge Jet Fuel Cargo When Planes Are Grounded
With airlines still grounding flights, the last thing Europe probably needs right now is a giant cargo of jet fuel. Yet, a supertanker hauling about…
Smashing Eggs, Dumping Milk: Farms Waste More Food Than Ever
Food waste is taking on a new meaning in the pandemic era.
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Port of LA’s Seroka Outlines Port and City Public Private Partnerships
Face Masks, Zero Emission Trucks, Taking Back Market Share, Mega Container Ships and Emergency Services
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Xi Vows China Will Share Vaccine and Gives WHO Full Backing
Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to make any coronavirus vaccine universally available once it’s developed, part of an effort to defuse criticism of his government’s…
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Suttons wins new business with Grace Overseas
Suttons Tankers has won new business with Grace Overseas, transporting chemicals needed for hygiene products, which will contribute to the battle against COVID-19.
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Global demand for natural gas will drop 2% in 2020 as Covid-19 lockdowns take toll
Commercial and industrial demand for natural gas is declining as most countries around the world impose lockdowns to limit the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.…
UTC expands partnership with University of Houston
UTC Overseas, renowned international freight forwarder based in Houston, TX, announced that Marco Poiser, Chief Operating Officer of Global Energy and Capital Projects, will continue…
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Port of Oakland COVID-19 response enters new phase
Executive Director's video update: Impact assessed...time for solutions