Air Freight News

World’s No. 2 citrus shipper renews WTO EU dispute-panel call

South Africa asked the World Trade Organization to set up two panels to examine what the nation says are “unscientific and discriminatory measures” placed on citrus it exports to the European Union.

The country renewed its request to the Geneva-based trade authority’s dispute-settlement body after the EU in June didn’t accept the call for the panels, it said in an emailed statement. The WTO automatically approved Friday’s appeal, South Africa said. 

The South African government is challenging EU regulations to stem citrus black spot, a fungal disease, and false codling moth, which damages fruits, “to protect the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people in the local citrus industry,” it said. 

Citrus growers in South Africa, the world’s biggest exporter of the fruit after Spain, spend about 3.7 billion rand ($203 million) annually to comply with the EU’s measures. 

“South Africa already has an effective world-class risk management system that ensures safe citrus exports,” the nation said. “Emerging citrus growers are especially hit hard with significant implications for livelihoods and jobs.” 



© Bloomberg
The author’s opinion are not necessarily the opinions of the American Journal of Transportation (AJOT).

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