Air Freight News

USDOT announces funding availability for port infrastructure development program

Mar 02, 2020

Washington, DC – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to apply for $225 million in discretionary grant funding through the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP). 

“America’s ports are a critical part of the Nation’s multimodal transportation network and this Notice of Funding Opportunity provides guidance on how to apply for these grants,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao.

The Port Infrastructure Development Program supports U.S. ports by improving the safety, efficiency, or reliability of goods movement into, out of, or within a port. Investments in port infrastructure will be awarded on a competitive basis for projects within or outside of and directly related to operations of coastal seaports, inland river ports, and Great Lakes ports.

“Infrastructure improvement must include our nation’s economic gateways – our ports – and the roads and railways that connect them to the local and national economy,” added Maritime Administrator Mark H. Buzby.

The Department will evaluate projects using criteria which include effect on the movement of goods, leverage of federal funding, net benefits, project readiness, and domestic preference.  The Department will also consider geographic diversity when selecting grant recipients, as well as how the project addresses challenges faced by rural areas and whether the project is located in an Opportunity Zone.

The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 made available $225 million for the Port Infrastructure Development Program, with $200 million reserved for grants to coastal seaports and Great Lakes ports. The minimum award size is $1 million, with a federal cost share not to exceed 80 percent.

To provide technical assistance, DOT will host a series of webinars during the Port Infrastructure Development Program grant application process. 

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