Air Freight News

United States Streamlines Organic Trade with Taiwan

Jun 05, 2020

USDA today announced a new U.S.-Taiwan equivalence arrangement, effective May 30, 2020, that streamlines organic trade with Taiwan. The arrangement allows organic products certified in the United States or Taiwan to be sold as organic in either market. It also protects access for American organic farmers, ranchers, and businesses to this significant export market. Taiwan is estimated to be the fifth largest organic export market for U.S. producers.

The American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States signed and exchanged letters on behalf of the U.S. and Taiwan to establish the new organic equivalence arrangement. The arrangement covers certified organic products grown, produced or with final processing in the U.S. or Taiwan and eliminates the need for organic producers and processors to have separate organic certification to the U.S. and Taiwan standards, avoiding a double set of fees, inspections, and paperwork.

The U.S. currently maintains organic equivalence arrangements with Canada, the European Union, Japan, Korea and Switzerland.

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