Air Freight News

Ports Day grabs attention of top state leadership

Feb 20, 2020

The California Association of Port Authorities (CAPA) hosted its 3rd Annual California Ports Day on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 in Sacramento, CA.

The two day event centered around Governor Newsom’s State of the State Address with briefings from several top leadership posts of the state. Representatives from California’s 11 public ports also met with legislators and department leadership to impart the expansive economic and environmental roles Ports play across the state.

Pictured Left to Right: Port of San Diego CEO & President Randa Coniglio, Port of Hueneme CEO & Port Director Kristin Decas, California State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Oxnard Harbor District Commissioner Jason Hodge, Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka, and Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan
Pictured Left to Right: Port of San Diego CEO & President Randa Coniglio, Port of Hueneme CEO & Port Director Kristin Decas, California State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Oxnard Harbor District Commissioner Jason Hodge, Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka, and Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan

“The benefits we bring in terms of jobs and economic opportunity are unmatched by any other industry, we have union jobs, private and public sector jobs as well,” Oxnard Harbor District Board President Jess Ramirez stated. “Our Port provides a wide gateway for Californians to join the middle class.”
Past CAPA President and Port of Hueneme CEO & Port Director Kristin Decas kicked off the Assembly Select Hearing on Ports and Goods Movement Caucus with an overview of the collective achievements made by California’s ports stating, “Strong ports equates to a strong California. Our ports support 1in 5 jobs in the state and handle 30% of U.S. exports.” Decas also mentioned that the goods imported by the state’s 11 ports reach all 435 Congressional Districts across the nation. Decas also highlighted the $9 Billion in state and local tax revenues generated by the ports annually.
Oxnard Harbor District Commissioner Jason Hodge stated, “Our ports are not just the economic backbone of our state, we are leading the green economy for California and the nation. No other industry has moved the state’s climate goals forward like our ports. Since 2008, we’ve reduced air emissions by 85%.”
Assemblymember Patrick O'Donnell (Chair of the Assembly Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movement) led the charge throughout the Capitol Building drawing the attention of his fellow legislators and their staffs. “California’s ports lead the world in maritime trade and environmental innovation. They are a true economic behemoth for our state, supporting over half a million direct jobs while pumping over $9 billion into our local communities,” said O’Donnell. “Thank you to all who work in the freight sector, supply chain and logistics industries for making green while going green.”
When asked about the purpose of the day, new CAPA State Director Martha Miller explained, "Today is about raising awareness of the economic and environmental leadership ports bring to our state. The goal is to get legislators and our fellow Californians thinking about where their food, clothing, automobiles, smartphones, and maritime services come from — our ports! The more we trade, the more we need strong and efficient ports in our state.”
Port and goods movement industry leaders wrapped up the two day visit meeting with state legislators and agency heads including: State Controller Betty Yee, State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Lenny Mendonca, the Governor’s top economic advisor, and CA State Transportation Agency.

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