Air Freight News

CMB’s CO2 pledge: net zero as from 2020 – zero in 2050

Jan 24, 2020

CMB is pleased to announce its long-term CO2 reduction strategy:

    1    All carbon emissions from CMB operations will be completely offset as from 2020
    2    CMB will invest in new technologies to operate a zero carbon fleet by 2050
Net zero as from 2020 …
CMB has offset all its CO2 emissions in order to have net zero CO2 emissions as from 2020. CMB has done this by supporting certified climate projects in developing countries and acquiring high quality Voluntary Carbon Units (VCU’s) in Zambia (agro-forestry, SALM, REDD+), Guatemala (REDD+) and India (wind and solar parks).
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) COMACO Landscape Management
Project in Eastern Province, Zambia – Picture taken on a CMB field trip 7th of January 2020

… zero in 2050 !
Furthermore, CMB is of the opinion that it can achieve zero carbon emissions from its shipping operations in 2050. Even though many low and zero carbon technologies are still in the early stages of their development – and today there are unfortunately no economically viable alternatives to diesel – CMB is convinced that the shipping industry will find solutions to provide zero carbon shipping by 2050.
CMB’s CO2 strategy
As long as CMB’s fleet is not powered by 100 % zero-carbon fuels, CMB will offset its remaining CO2 emissions.
Zero carbon ships and engines
CMB is already investing heavily in the development of low and zero carbon ships and engines, and fully supports the many different industry initiatives that want to join forces to develop the technologies needed to reduce shipping’s carbon footprint.
The HydroTug, the world’s first hydrogen-powered tugboat, is developed by
CMB.TECH and will be delivered in 2021 to the Port of Antwerp.
As we will bring concrete zero-carbon projects to life in the coming months and years, we will continue to actively engage and cooperate with other shipping companies, our customers, our suppliers, our banks and national and international politicians to achieve zero carbon shipping.
125 years
This announcement marks the start of CMB’s 125th anniversary year and is a testimony to our long-lasting and continued belief in the power of global trade and human creativity. Sustainable shipping brings peace and prosperity to all corners of the world.

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