Air Freight News
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Johnson faces pressure from business over post-Brexit trade deal
After feeling ignored over Brexit for the last four years, British business is hoping for a change of fortune in 2020.
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Trump’s blacklisting of Huawei is failing to halt its growth
In the days after the U.S. government said it would bar Huawei Technologies Co. from buying vital American components, the Chinese company’s founder, Ren Zhengfei,…
US pays bulk of tariff costs as levies fail to save steel jobs
American companies and consumers are paying almost the full cost of U.S. tariffs, and the impact of those duties on import volume magnifies over time,…
German car production drops to 23-year low on waning exports
German car production fell to its lowest in almost a quarter of a century as Europe’s biggest economy suffers from the fallout of a global…
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Has robust US economy benefited working Ohioans? Yes: Trump administration has created blue-collar boom
Instead of dismissing America’s blue-collar workers, as politicians had done for decades, the Trump administration has fought for them and won.
USDOC issues affirmative preliminary AD determination on collated steel staples from China
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced its affirmative preliminary determination in the antidumping duty (AD) investigation of imports of collated steel staples from China, finding…
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China plans to send team to U.S. for Jan. 15 deal signing
The Chinese trade delegation plans to sign the first phase of its trade deal with the U.S. in Washington on Jan. 15, according to people…
Trump vows sanctions on ally Iraq, toughens rhetoric on Iran
President Donald Trump warned Iran of major U.S. retaliation and threatened heavy sanctions on Iraq if American troops are forced to leave unless the country…
Mexico hedges 2020 crude oil exports at average $49 per barrel
Mexico’s government hedged oil exports for this year at an average $49 a barrel, locking in protection against low crude prices, the nation’s Finance Ministry…
Ghosn Getaway Jet’s Other Job: Ferrying Venezuelan Gold
Trying to move tons of gold or whisk a dictator to safety? Need to extract a corporate executive from house arrest and spirit him across…