Air Freight News
Free markets made Davos. Now governments are crashing the party
In a memorable exchange at Davos last year, tech billionaire Michael Dell was explaining how higher taxes on the rich had never done much good…
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As EU raises Brexit trade hurdles, Boris Johnson looks to Africa
Prime Minister Boris Johnson hailed the U.K.’s burgeoning trade links with Africa as “the future” in a thinly disguised warning to the European Union ahead…
Planes, trains, autos eclipse miners in fabric of Canada Market
Move over materials, there’s a new kid on the block. The C$300 billion ($230 billion) industrials group has ousted miners and forestry stocks to become…
Duterte’s Team Widens Scrutiny of ‘Onerous’ Philippine Deals
The Philippines government said it’s reviewing all deals signed with the private sector that may have put taxpayers at a disadvantage, a sign that President…
Oil jumps after unrest hits key OPEC producers Iraq and Libya
Oil jumped as rising tension in the Middle East and North Africa halted output and exports from key OPEC producers Iraq and Libya.
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Trump hails ‘Paydirt’ for farmers from his China, USMCA deals
President Donald Trump championed a pair of trade victories at a farm convention Sunday in Austin, Texas.
Two Hong Kong officers injured as rally ends in violence
Two Hong Kong police officers were beaten at a rally in the city center that was dispersed as it descended into confusion and violent clashes.
Welcome to ‘peak decade,’ from globalization to central banks
Amid the Alpine peaks of the Swiss resort of Davos in the week ahead, politicians, investors and executives will be busy debating whether we are…
Libyan Oil exports blocked ahead of Berlin peace conference
Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar blocked oil exports at ports under his control, slashing output by more than half and posing a potential setback for an…
Toyota showers billions on U.S. plants after slow shift to SUVs
Toyota Motor Corp. has poured more money into yet another North American plant to boost production of the SUVs and trucks U.S. customers increasingly seek…