Air Freight News
Sanders says he Would ‘immediately’ renegotiate USMCA
Bernie Sanders said he would “immediately begin renegotiating” the new trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico and Canada on his first day in office as…
Rejected on Huawei ban, Trump now faces European defiance
President Donald Trump’s top aides spent more than a year demanding that key allies ban Huawei Technologies Co. from next-generation wireless networks -- or face…
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Soy leaders attend USMCA signing in support of trade deal
Members of the American Soybean Association (ASA) board of directors from five states attended the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement signing ceremony at the White…
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Florida Chamber of Commerce applauds President Trump for signing the USMCA Trade Agreement into law
Selling more Florida goods and services around the world is vital to creating jobs, and helping local businesses grow Florida’s economy from the 17th largest…
NRF welcomes signing of USMCA legislation
The National Retail Federation welcomed today’s signing by President Trump of legislation to implement the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
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Trump signs USMCA, sealing political win with bipartisan deal
President Donald Trump signed into law a new trade pact with Canada and Mexico on Wednesday, sealing a political victory that will help neutralize Democratic…
US 2019 goods-trade gap shrinks for first time in three years
The U.S.’s annual deficit in merchandise trade narrowed in 2019 for the first time in three years, reflecting a trade-war-induced drop in imports but giving…
China’s health scare tempers high hopes in US farm markets
Want to receive this post in your inbox every day? Sign up for the Terms of Trade newsletter, and follow Bloomberg Economics on Twitter for…
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South Africa will caution Trump on ‘premature’ trade review
South Africa’s government will tell President Donald Trump’s administration that its review of a preferential trade agreement that could put as much as $2.4 billion…
Toyota halts production, Cargill works from home: Virus impact
Toyota Motor Corp. is halting production in China and other companies suspended operations or asked employees to work from home as they grapple with a…