Air Freight News
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U.S. manufacturing posts its first expansion in six months
A gauge of U.S. manufacturing rebounded sharply in January, topping estimates and signaling growth in the beleaguered sector for the first time since July.
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China seeks U.S. trade-target flexibility amid virus’s spread
Chinese officials are hoping the U.S. will agree to some flexibility on pledges in their phase-one trade deal, people familiar with the situation said, as…
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World’s Biggest Commodity Engine Is Roiled by Chinese Virus Blow
China’s commodity industry, the world’s leading consumer of raw materials, is ensnared in chaos as the coronavirus delivers the worst demand shock since the global…
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It’ll Be a While Before China Spends Billions on U.S. Farm Goods
American farmers waiting for all the benefits of Donald Trump’s trade deal with China are going to have to wait a while.
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Brexit battle returns with U.K. and EU sparring over trade
The U.K. and the European Union begin their battle over a future trade deal on Monday, setting up 11 months of negotiations that risk ending…
Asia’s factories falter as spread of virus adds to headwinds
Asian manufacturing gauges stumbled in January, suggesting the U.S.-China trade agreement failed to spur sentiment for an industry now bracing for supply-chain disruptions and a…
Trump will meet Kenyan president as trade talks set to begin
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta will meet President Donald Trump in Washington this week as the two countries prepare to announce negotiations on a free-trade agreement,…
The U.S.-China trade war has Vietnam in the crosshairs
A Cold War battleground once looked like one of the few winners as the two superpowers vied for dominance. Now it's bracing for trouble.
Nissan’s Brexit scenarios include closing European plants: FT
Japanese automaker Nissan Motor Co has drafted a contingency plan to focus on its Sunderland plant in the U.K. and cut European production if a…
Israel stops importing Palestinian agricultural products
Israel barred the entry of Palestinian agricultural produce from the West Bank beginning Sunday morning, in retaliation for a months-long Palestinian Authority ban on importing…