Air Freight News
Italy escapes higher U.S. tariffs on some products
Italy escaped higher U.S. trade tariffs on some exported goods after directly lobbying administration officials in Washington, according to the country’s foreign minister.
Zimbabwe will import corn from Uganda to offset food shortage
Zimbabwe plans to import corn from Uganda to offset a domestic shortfall, Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa said.
Trump Administration Raises Duties on EU Aircraft to 15%
The U.S. said Friday it will increase the tariff rate imposed on aircraft imported from the European Union to 15% from 10% on March 18.
USDOC renews Huawei’s TGL for 45 Days
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce announced it was extending a Temporary General License (TGL) for Huawei Technologies…
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Banks to lead Pacific Northwest Bridge and Structures Group at WSP USA
Brings nearly two decades of major bridge structure experience with firm to his new leadership role in the region.
Trump’s siege on the WTO takes an election-year turn
For years Trump has called the Geneva-based body the “worst trade deal ever” — largely because he believes the WTO helped China gain a competitive…
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Chinese aluminum-extrusion exporters face possible EU tariffs
The European Union threatened to impose tariffs on aluminum extrusions from China after EU-based producers said trade protection was needed to save jobs in the…
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Huawei hit with racketeering charge in expanding U.S. case
The U.S. raised the stakes in its battle with Huawei Technologies Co., using a law historically associated with prosecuting mafia figures to claim the Chinese…
Trump’s NAFTA rewrite heads for its last stop — Ottawa
Want to receive this post in your inbox every day? Sign up for the Terms of Trade newsletter, and follow Bloomberg Economics on Twitter for…
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US weighs higher tariff ceilings in bid for more sway over WTO
The U.S. is weighing a plan to increase its long-standing ceiling on tariffs in a move meant to trigger a renegotiation of relationships with fellow…