Air Freight News
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China pushes factories to reopen, risking renewed virus spread
China is trying to get people back to work, risking a renewed spread of the coronavirus.
U.K. Brexit team looks to avoid Irish sea checks, Times reports
British Brexit negotiators are trying to find a way to avoid checks on goods between Northern Ireland and the rest of the U.K., according to…
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An Africa united on trade faces US’s one-on-one tactics
The good news is that the U.S. doesn’t seem to make the often loathed assumption that Africa is one big country. The less good news…
German economy faces coronavirus hit as export orders sink
Germany’s economy is facing renewed pressure from beyond its borders as export orders plunge and manufacturers worry about the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on…
America’s own numbers cast doubt on Trump’s China farm deal
It’s either going to be a boom fourth quarter for U.S. farmers, or that extra $12.5 billion in American agriculture purchases promised by China for…
Korea trade data show virus disruption to China supply chain
South Korea’s early trade data suggest the coronavirus epidemic has started to disrupt the region’s supply chains, as many Chinese factories remain shut, complicating deliveries…
US’s own crop data cast doubt on Trump China deal
It’s either going to be a boom fourth quarter for U.S. farmers, or that extra $12.5 billion in American agriculture purchases promised by China for…
Farmers are not ready to buy tractors despite Trump China trade deal
Farmers aren’t ready to heed Donald Trump’s advice to buy bigger tractors after his initial trade deal with China.
Virus surge in Japan risks undoing Abe’s efforts to woo China
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has so far managed to keep the coronavirus outbreak from damaging his hard-won relationship with China. That’s getting even more difficult…
Venezuela’s Maduro shakes up PDVSA, declares oil ‘emergency’
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro declared an “energy emergency” as he announced a commission to revamp state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA, redoubling efforts to…