Air Freight News
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Japan to Fund Firms to Shift Production Out of China
Japan has earmarked $2.2 billion of its record economic stimulus package to help its manufacturers shift production out of China as the coronavirus disrupts supply…
ASM welcomes UK government decision to delay implementation of new Customs Declaration Service
Forwarding community tackling Brexit and Covid-19 supply chain disruption has more time to prepare for the transition from CHIEF to the new CDS London, UK…
Maintaining the flow of goods is essential work in the battle against COVID-19
The liner shipping industry, which operates container ships and vehicle carriers, has continued to move the cargo on which the world relies despite the global…
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India Partially Lifts Malaria Drug Export Ban on Trump Call
India partially lifted a ban on the exports of a malaria drug after President Donald Trump sought supplies for the U.S., according to government officials…
Brazilian Minister Says China Has Been Profiting From Pandemic
A member of President Jair Bolsonaro’s cabinet reignited a diplomatic spat with China, saying Brazil’s top trading partner has been profiting from the coronavirus pandemic…
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EU to boost tariffs on U.S. goods in metals-trade dispute
The European Union plans to impose tariffs on lighters and plastic fittings from the U.S. in retaliation over controversial American duties on imported steel and…
U.S. blacklist hurt China AI giant’s sales ahead of IPO attempt
Megvii Technology Ltd.’s revenue growth dissipated in the second half of 2019 after it joined Huawei Technologies Co. on a U.S. trade blacklist, underscoring the…
Canned food sprees won’t save aluminum
The industry is still working its way through the stockpile accumulated during the last crisis.
Virus spurs global free-for-all over $597 billion medical trade
Germany’s Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said the shared experience of battling the coronavirus could lead to a “new age of solidarity.”
Oil negotiators race for pact with U.S. role in balance
Saudi Arabia, Russia and other large oil producers are racing to negotiate a deal to stem the historic price crash as diplomats said some progress…