Air Freight News
Modi Finds Neighbors Silent as India-China Tensions Simmer
If Prime Minister Narendra Modi thought he could count on the public support of neighbors as he faced his most significant foreign policy challenge as…
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Pompeo Says China Recommitted to Trade Deal in Hawaii Summit
U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said China’s top foreign policy official committed in a meeting this week to honor all of his nation’s commitments…
Trump Says ‘Complete Decoupling’ From China Remains an Option
President Donald Trump said the U.S. could pursue a “complete decoupling from China” in response to unspecified conditions, his most forceful statement yet on the…
Johnson and Macron Met in London to Dissect Brexit and China
U.K.’s Boris Johnson and France’s Emmanuel Macron held talks in London on Thursday, the prime minister’s first bilateral with a European leader since calling for…
Poland opens path to currency war in EU’s East, Rabobank says
A warning by Poland’s central bank could be the spark that sets off a currency war among the European Union’s eastern members.
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Op-Ed by Commerce Secretary Ross: Under Trump’s leadership, the US economy will come back strong
There is no doubt the coronavirus pandemic has dramatically impacted our day-to-day lives. Americans are making adjustments to everything from their morning routines to how…
EU says it won’t ease customs controls on UK after Brexit
The European Union will impose full customs controls and checks on goods from the U.K. from 2021, declining to reciprocate London’s plan to offer traders…
Assad and his wife top list of new US sanctions on Syria
The U.S. imposed sanctions on Syria’s President Bashar Al-Assad, his wife and his inner circle as the Trump administration increases pressure on the regime in…
Can Huawei face EU fines like Google and Apple?
Europe’s top competition cop is getting creative when it comes to tackling foreign-government subsidies.
The most troubling China-India conflict is economic
Dwindling trade between Asia’s giants removes a restraint on military escalation.