Air Freight News
Colombia eyes American companies looking to relocate from Asia
Colombia is setting its sights on companies from Asia to Europe and Latin America that are looking to relocate or expand into the Andean nation…
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WTO hopeful Okonjo-Iweala balances Nigeria, US citizenships
Harvard-educated and longtime World Bank economist Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is bidding to become the next director-general of the World Trade Organization under a nomination from her…
Wheat king Russia is missing out on China’s buying spree
Despite ramping up wheat purchases from around the globe, China remains one of the few main markets that Russia is struggling to crack.
Australia’s commodities sector is nervously watching China
Australia’s commodities industry is nervously watching its biggest trading partner, China, after the Asian behemoth slapped more import restrictions on its agricultural products.
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Xi doubles down on domestic focus as US relations fray
China’s top leaders next month will lay out their economic strategy for the next five years that will include a new ambition to ramp up…
US and China should seek a truce in tech cold war
The world’s two biggest economies need to work on developing shared global rules to govern digital trade flows. 
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How China made the Netherlands question its free-market beliefs
When the Dutch government invested in home-grown chipmaker Smart Photonics this summer, it was a departure for a country with a hands-off approach to business.
Dubai lifts veil on debt, showing it owes less than thought
Dubai made a rare foray into public bond markets, revealing along the way that its debt burden is now a lot smaller than estimated by…
US opens economic front in campaign to expand ties with Taiwan
The U.S.’s decision to launch economic talks with Taiwan opened a new front in Taipei’s effort to push back against increased pressure from Beijing.
Germany cushions pandemic blow by weaning itself off exports
Germany expects the blow from the coronavirus crisis to be less severe than feared, as the country reduces its traditional reliance on exports.