Air Freight News
U.K. warns of 7,000-truck line in worst-case Brexit scenario
The U.K. government is warning of 7,000 truck-long queues in Kent in a “reasonable worst case” scenario due to Brexit, a stark assessment of the…
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South African poultry industry invests $60 million in expansion
South African poultry producers have invested more than half of the funds they committed as part of a so-called master plan to grow the industry…
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U.K. must ‘stop the games’ on Brexit, German diplomat says
Germany’s Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Roth slammed the U.K.’s strategy in Brexit talks, saying that the lack of progress is disappointing and that a recent…
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China’s threats of war push Taiwan to boost U.S. economic links
It’s hard to find a world leader who’s had a better 2020 than Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen.
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China’s Xi swipes at U.S. for acting like ‘boss of the world’
Chinese President Xi Jinping took a veiled swipe at the U.S. in a strongly worded speech, saying no country should “be allowed to do whatever…
France urges more EU-U.K. talks, warns on Boris Johnson’s bill
France said the European Union should keep pursuing a free-trade agreement the U.K. while warning that any British violation of the Brexit agreement would end…
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Hempel continues to invest in the Chinese market and innovation
Global coatings manufacturer Hempel celebrated a significant milestone in China when it held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new factory in Zhangjiagang.
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China brings Xinjiang-style mass labor to Tibet, report says
China is instituting a mass labor system in Tibet similar to the one in neighboring Xinjiang, the Jamestown Foundation said, despite intensifying global scrutiny of…
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U.S. home shopping boom buoys shipping lines half a world away
An online home shopping boom in the U.S. has sent transpacific sea freight rates to the highest on record, helping the container shipping industry in…
U.S. Is sanctioning Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, Pompeo says
The U.S. is applying sanctioning Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said on Monday.