Air Freight News
Palm oil farmers say U.S. ban to hurt more than 32,000 planters
Malaysia’s palm oil planters condemned the U.S. block on imports of FGV Holdings Bhd. products, saying the move will affect more than 32,000 farmers.
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U.S. stimulus talks in limbo after vote on democrat-only plan
U.S. stimulus talks remain on life support after the House passed a Democrat-only $2.2 trillion package that did nothing to bridge the gap with Republicans.
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Johnson to intervene in Brexit talks in bid to break impasse
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will intervene in the Brexit negotiations for the first time since June when he holds talks on Saturday with European Commission…
Ethiopia gold exports surge after crackdown on smuggling
Ethiopian gold exports surged after the central bank offered higher prices for the metal in a bid to curb smuggling and as part of wider…
Fertilizer prices in U.S. surge to decade high amid import probe
Phosphate fertilizer prices in the U.S. corn belt had their biggest quarter in a decade as buyers cope with a supply shock caused by potential…
Boeing to consolidate 787 production in South Carolina in 2021
As the airline industry continues to address the impact of COVID-19, The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] said today it will consolidate production of 787 jets…
Trump moves to expand rare earths mining, cites China threat
President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at expanding domestic production of rare-earth minerals vital to most manufacturing sectors and reducing dependence on China.
Officials say too soon to talk of progress in Brexit talks
U.K. and European Union negotiators are still locked in talks in Brussels, with no decision yet on whether they will be able to make progress…
US blocks palm oil imports from one of the top producers
The U.S. has blocked imports of palm oil and palm oil products from Malaysia’s FGV Holdings Bhd., one of the world’s largest producers.
Iran’s rial weakens to new record low over US sanctions fears
Iran’s rial weakened to a new low, breaching 300,000 to a dollar for the first time on the unregulated market in Tehran, three currency traders…