Air Freight News
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Concerns about virus on food imports are real, expert says
There is a real risk of cross-border coronavirus transmission through the $1.5 trillion global agri-food market, according to a scientist who has studied the phenomenon.
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WTO leadership race upended by Trump now hinges on US election
World Trade Organization members are confronting the reality that the future of the Geneva-based institution is now in the hands of the American electorate.
Priciest corn ever is gobbling up margins on Brazilian chicken
Bumper corn crops typically signal cheap feed and fat margins for chicken producers in Brazil. Not this year though, as strong exports and increasing demand…
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US sows WTO turmoil by vetoing front-runner for top job
The World Trade Organization’s effort to select a leader and chart a new course for the global trading system hit a roadblock Wednesday after the…
Welcome to the bright side of Brexit
Regardless of whether or not there’s trade deal, leaving the EU could help some U.K. industries. Here's a brief guide.
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Funds have stretched the long positions on wheat; Soybeans lead the Phase 1 deal purchase
Corn * CBOT corn has been following wheat higher, with worrisome northern hemisphere planting weather pushing up the wheat/corn spread. Funds have stretched the long…
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This is what Biden has said on major US flashpoints with China
While Joe Biden has spent much of the campaign criticizing U.S. President Donald Trump’s policies toward China, his own platform sounds more like a change…
Log exports from Russia
Softwood log exports from Russia have been in steady decline for the past 15 years and could reach zero in 2022 if President Putin’s new…
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WTO panel recommends Nigeria’s candidate for top post
The World Trade Organization’s effort to name a new leader hit a new roadblock Wednesday after the Trump administration said it won’t back the appointment…
Brexit deal inches closer into view as talks make progress
European Union and U.K. negotiators made progress this week toward resolving some of the biggest disagreements that have long bedeviled the Brexit talks, raising hopes…