Averitt Express has unveiled a transportation management system (TMS) called Averitt Connect. The transportation and logistics services provider partnered with MyCarrierTMS to provide customers access…
A coalition of aviation groups, including the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)/U.S. Contract Tower Association (USCTA), today wrote leaders of the Senate and House…
As of January 2020, the cargo-partner iLogistics Center next to Prague Airport has been certified for the storage and handling of organic products according to…
In 2019 seaborne cargo throughput rose to 136.6 million tons, or by 1.1 percent. Container handling at 9.3 million TEU advanced substantially, by 6.1 percent.
Terberg introduces a new generation of electric vehicles with new EV technology, including the YT203-EV terminal tractor and the BC202-EV body carrier.