Air Freight News
LocatorX launches product certificate authority™ to fight product counterfeiting
LocatorX, which provides accurate, inexpensive and flexible tracking technology to companies across a variety of industries, today announced the launch of its Product Certificate Authority™…
BluJay Partners with project44 to provide advanced transportation data
BluJay Solutions, a leading provider of supply chain software and services powered by the world’s first Global Trade Network, announces a partnership withproject44, the industry’s…
ARTBA says final “Waters of the United States” rule brings clarity to transportation project reviews  
The Trump administration’s rewrite of the 2015 “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule will help restore clarity to federal wetlands regulations and reduce delays…
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Collaboration key to Port of Long Beach future
The Port of Long Beach navigated a trade dispute with China, new technology and evolving trade routes in 2019, culminating in its second-busiest year on…
DB Schenker puts spotlight on Halifax, Nova Scotia and ocean trade in video series
DB Schenker, one of the world’s leading logistics service providers, recently held a series of video events in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with a focus on…
New limits on Huawei suppliers coming soon, Commerce’s Ross says
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said new rules are coming soon that will put more limits on U.S. companies supplying China’s telecommunications leader Huawei Technologies Co.Huawei…
Globalsat Group, Inmarsat and Cobham sign multi-year contract
Globalsat Group, through its Brazilian affiliate Globalsat do Brasil, has signed a multi-year contract with Rumo SA, the largest transport and logistics company in Latin…
Choptank Transport launches ORBIT TI™
Choptank Transport, a third-party logistics company headquartered on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, is pleased to announce the launch of its new customer-interfacing market intelligence platform, ORBIT…
Hamburg Süd’s Chief Commercial Officer to retire
Frank Smet, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of Hamburg Süd, will be going into retirement at the end of March after roughly 27 years with the…
Graves & Westerman praise Trump Administration for replacing Obama WOTUS rule
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) and Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment Ranking Member Bruce Westerman (R-AR) today applauded the…