Air Freight News
Airbus bribery case topples founder of Malaysian carrier AirAsia
AirAsia Group Bhd Founder Tony Fernandes became the first marquee airline executive to lose his post in the aftermath of planemaker Airbus SE’s record $4…
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U.S. manufacturing posts its first expansion in six months
A gauge of U.S. manufacturing rebounded sharply in January, topping estimates and signaling growth in the beleaguered sector for the first time since July.
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China seeks U.S. trade-target flexibility amid virus’s spread
Chinese officials are hoping the U.S. will agree to some flexibility on pledges in their phase-one trade deal, people familiar with the situation said, as…
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World’s Biggest Commodity Engine Is Roiled by Chinese Virus Blow
China’s commodity industry, the world’s leading consumer of raw materials, is ensnared in chaos as the coronavirus delivers the worst demand shock since the global…
MSC: BRC update from WCSA to USA and from USA
Bunker Recovery Surcharge (BRC) for below scopes will be applicable effective March 1st, 2020 as follows
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LATAM to leave oneworld effective May 1
To continue providing broad and seamless connectivity for customers, LATAM will maintain bilateral agreements, network access and customer benefits with the majority of oneworld members
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SC Ports celebrates construction milestone at Hugh K. Leatherman Sr. Terminal
The Hugh K. Leatherman Sr. Terminal is taking shape along the Cooper River as S.C. Ports Authority prepares to open the new container terminal in…
Cornerstone Systems announces 100 percent employee owned
Memphis-based third-party logistics provider, Cornerstone Systems, Inc. announced that it is now a 100 percent employee owned company as Founder/Chairman Rick Rodell sold his last…
Coronavirus, Chinese New Year, Asia to Europe prices increase
Asia to Europe has seen a boost in TAC Index prices following pre-Lunar New Year volumes, Shanghai to Europe up 9.16%, Hong Kong to Europe…
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It’ll Be a While Before China Spends Billions on U.S. Farm Goods
American farmers waiting for all the benefits of Donald Trump’s trade deal with China are going to have to wait a while.