Air Freight News
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Ports Day grabs attention of top state leadership
The California Association of Port Authorities (CAPA) hosted its 3rd Annual California Ports Day on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 in Sacramento, CA.
Leading airline CEOs tackle the question of sustainability at Routes Europe 2020
Routes Europe, the route development forum for Europe, will this April gather senior decision-makers in Bergen, Norway, to discuss some of the most pressing issues…
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Pintsch Bubenzer moves for Zuchowski in ports, offshore
Pintsch Bubenzer USA has named Mike Zuchowski regional sales manager for ports in the western region of the states and Canada.
Hangar A names Richards Chief Technology Officer
At AMI Entertainment, Richards oversaw the development of the second-largest digital jukebox network in the world, with over 30,000 locations across North America, Europe, and…
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James, Assistant Secretary of the Army, to receive prestigious ‘port person’ award
The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) has chosen Assistant Secretary of the Army Rickey “R.D.” James to receive the 2020 Port Person of the…
Venezuela’s Maduro shakes up PDVSA, declares oil ‘emergency’
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro declared an “energy emergency” as he announced a commission to revamp state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA, redoubling efforts to…
US sanctions Iranian election officials who bar candidates
The U.S. said it has sanctioned members of an Iranian government agency that it says rigs elections in the country by disqualifying candidates who don’t…
Virus anxiety makes corn the safer bet for America’s farmers
After dealing with the trade war, extreme weather and depressed prices, U.S. farmers are ready for a safe bet. In America’s heartland, that means planting…
The pitchforks are out in Europe to protect a sacred cow
Want to receive this post in your inbox every day? Sign up for the Terms of Trade newsletter, and follow Bloomberg Economics on Twitter for…
Oil steady after 7-day rally on supply outlook and stimulus hope
Oil steadied in London after the longest rally in a year on signs of tighter global supply, and hopes that Chinese economic stimulus will cushion…