Air Freight News
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Trump says he’s restricting travel from Europe for 30 days
President Donald Trump said he will significantly restrict travel from Europe to the U.S. for the next 30 days, the most far-reaching measure yet in…
Trump’s answer to the oil crash could be a tax on Saudi crude
If Donald Trump wanted to shield U.S. shale from oil’s crash, he could unleash a familiar weapon against rival producers such as Saudi Arabia: tariffs.
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US chicken flows to China as ports return, tariffs waived
U.S. chicken exports to China are flowing freely again as logistical bottlenecks caused by a deadly virus dissipate and the Asian nation issues tariff waivers…
Coal’s sell-by date just moved closer
Vietnam, a key customer in the critical Southeast Asian market, is turning away from the fossil fuel.
YRC Freight expands regional next-day services in Texas to Fort Worth and Garland
YRC Worldwide announces the expansion of YRC Freight’s Regional Next-Day – Texas to now include Fort Worth and Garland. This service expansion is the latest…
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Shale tycoon seeks US dumping probe into Saudi oil flood
Shale billionaire Harold Hamm intends to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Commerce against Saudi Arabia for “illegal” dumping of crude that sent…
Alberta ready to cut oil output to ensure producers’ survival
Alberta’s government could mandate further cuts to oil production if rising crude supplies and falling prices threaten the survival of drillers in the province.
Boeing’s Max crisis meets coronavirus
The aerospace giant’s cash cushion is under strain just when it needs it the most.
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TRI-AD enables successful creation of HD maps for automated driving on surface roads
Toyota Research Institute-Advanced Development, Inc. (TRI-AD), Toyota's automated driving software development company, has successfully completed proof of concepts (PoC) demonstrating high definition (HD) map building…
Oman Air Cargo awards Jettainer for “best service”
Jettainer, the leading international service partner for outsourced ULD management, received the Oman Air Cargo Award 2020 in the category “Best Service” during the award…