Air Freight News
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Trudeau says Canada to unveil stimulus, coordinate with G-7
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada will introduce a “significant” fiscal stimulus package, as part of a coordinated effort with other Group of Seven countries…
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Canada Passes USMCA trade deal in rush to suspend Parliament
Canadian lawmakers voted unanimously to pass an overhaul of its free-trade deal with the U.S. and Mexico on Friday at the same time that they…
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Here’s how the EU plans to stave off a full economic crisis
The European Union unveiled a raft of measures aimed at cushioning what it said would be a deep recession in the region this year as…
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Quonset’s Steven King makes the case for pPort infrastructure investment
Quonset’s Managing Director Steven King provided testimony at a recent R.I. House Finance Committee hearing in support of Gov. Raimondo’s $20 million bond measure to…
Cargo traffic surges at Nigeria ports after Benin border closure
The operator of Nigeria’s largest container terminal is expanding operations to deal with a sharp rise in cargo traffic since the government closed the border…
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Ba-Shi Yuexin Logistics, member of XLProjects transport engineering excavators in Brazil.
Ba-Shi Yuexin recently completed the transport of engineering excavators from Shanghai, China to Santos, Brazil.
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Fraport increases revenue and operating result
All 2019 financial targets achieved – Extensive cost-reduction measures being implemented during current fiscal year – Outlook clouded amid growing uncertainty of the coronavirus outbreak
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Kuenz Automated Anode and Cathode handling cranes with Remote Operating Stations (ROS) for Kyshtym, Russia
The Russian company Kyshtym Copper Electrolytic Plant is going to install a warehouse next to the new Copper Electro Refinery. To improve anodes and cathodes…
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EIA projects air-conditioning energy use to grow faster than any other use in buildings
In the Annual Energy Outlook 2020 (AEO2020) Reference case, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that delivered energy for air conditioning will increase more…
CMA CGM - ESS for exports from North Europe to Morocco
CMA CGM announced the following Emergency Space Surcharge (ESS effective April 1st, 2020 (date of loading) until further notice