Air Freight News
Truckers push FMCSA to end evasion of broker transparency regs
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association has long pushed for greater transparency and better enforcement of existing regulations. OOIDA filed a petition with the Federal Motor…
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FreightWeekSTL highlights collaboration among ports
Second virtual session of FreightWeekSTL 2020 spotlights how individual ports and industry are working together
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U.S. Specialty Crop Industry Reacts to USDA Direct Payment Plan
The leaders of a national coalition of organizations representing specialty crop producers reacted to the details of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s direct payment program…
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Federal Marine Terminals Implements Octopi by Navis TOS at Port Manatee
The stevedoring company invests in the technology for improved visibility
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Op-Ed: 3 Factors Why This Economic Bounceback Won’t Mirror 2008
This administration is proud to be delivering economic relief in record speed
CMA CGM PSS update for Reefer Cargo from N. Europe, Scandinavia, Poland and Baltic to the ISC, Middle East Gulf & Red Sea
The revised Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) rates applicable as from June 1st, 2020 (date of loading in the origin ports) until further notice
CMA CGM GRR from Asia to East Africa
CMA CGM announced the following General Rate Restoration effective June 1st, 2020 (B/L date):
Berlin’s cold war-era Tegel Airport to close next month
Berlin’s Tegel airport can halt operations next month after the coronavirus virtually stopped traffic there, in what could spell the end for the Cold War-era…
What you need to know about how airline miles are changing
Frequent flying isn’t so much of a thing right now, but loyalty programs are in many cases getting better as airlines fight to keep customers…
Iceland resorts to crisis Interest rate cut as exports collapse
Iceland’s central bank slashed its main interest rate as policy makers head into uncharted territory to save the economy.