Air Freight News
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Imperial mobilises to deliver hand sanitiser for key workers
Imperial has supported chemicals manufacturer Schirm in the storage and distribution of urgent hand sanitiser supplies destined for local authorities and healthcare workers. Imperial had…
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Global Survey on impact of COVID19 on ports: regional differences becoming more pronounced
IAPH-WPSP Port Economic Impact Barometer for week 21 also confirms global trend towards decreasing capacity utilization of liquid and dry bulk storage at ports
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Fitch Ratings: North American ports largely shielded from coronavirus fallout
However, ports that primarily handle cargo are expected to fare better than those with substantial cruise operations, which are expected to have sizable downside risk.
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American Waterways Operators elects Crowley Maritime’s Art Mead as Chairman
The members of the American Waterways Operators, the national tugboat, towboat and barge industry association, elected a new slate of leaders this week during the…
St. Louis Regional Freightway’s 2021 priority projects list released
The St. Louis Regional Freightway announced the 2021 Priority Projects List representing key infrastructure needs of the manufacturing and logistics industries in the Eastern Missouri…
OAK Reports Dramatic Declines Due to Pandemic; Recovery Possible Beginning this Summer
Statistics for April 2020 indicate 96% fewer travelers compared with same period last year
Airbus A320 Jet With 107 Aboard Crashes in Pakistan
An Airbus SE jet operated by Pakistan International Airlines crashed with 107 people on board as it approached its destination of Karachi.
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EasyJet’s Rebel Founder Defeated in Bid to Oust Management
EasyJet Plc founder turned activist Stelios Haji-Ioannou lost out on an attempt to remove the U.K. airline’s management and block Airbus SE jet purchases.
EasyJet’s Future Hangs on Founder’s Bid to Dismiss Leadership
EasyJet Plc’s future will be decided in a single vote on Friday, with billions of dollars of aircraft orders at stake.
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Disease Is Ravaging the $25 Billion Banana Industry
The world’s most popular fruit is under siege. How it adapts now could be crucial to understanding the post-pandemic era.