Air Freight News

Woodland Group receives gold EcoVadis sustainability rating, placing in top 5% worldwide 

May 24, 2023

Having first been assessed in 2022, receiving a Bronze rating, Woodland Group has made significant progress on and investment into additional processes and initiatives that support its environmental and social sustainability. Woodland Group scored highly across EcoVadis’ 4 pillars of environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement, receiving gold score ratings across the board.

This rating places Woodland within the top 5% of the 100,000+ companies assessed by EcoVadis worldwide, securing a particularly high score for its environmental processes and commitments.

EcoVadis is a global sustainability rating company which validates corporate adherence to 21 recognized CSR criteria which follow verifiable international CSR standards (the Global Compact Principles, the International Labour Organization conventions, the Global Reporting Initiative standard, and ISO 2600). Documentation and proof of policies in action are required to support every answer covering Human Rights, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Training, Health and Safety, environmental reporting, accreditations and initiatives, Ethics, cybersecurity and sustainable procurement, which includes the assessment of sustainable suppliers and choice to invest into procuring sustainably sourced, recycled materials.

“I’m incredibly proud of the sustainable development of the Group over the past few years, and the commitment of all Woodlanders and our partners to creating, improving, and initiating processes that will benefit all. We’ve seen tremendous growth over recent years, and thanks to our teams’ hard work, innovative, agile, and collaborative approach, we continue to evolve positively, committed to reducing our own environmental impact, as well as that of our clients and suppliers, while creating growth opportunities for our entire ecosystem. I look forward to seeing us continue on our sustainability journey and to collaborating with governments, associations, brands, companies, and communities on creating positive change and improving business practices for a better future.", Kevin Stevens, CEO and Chairman of Woodland Group commented.

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