Air Freight News

Port of Oakland hosts “Zero Emission Ride & Drive” event

3 hours ago

The Port of Oakland partnered with the Harbor Trucking Association, California Air Resources Board, CALSTART, CA HVIP (California Hybrid and Zero-emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project), and PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) in a "Zero Emission Ride & Drive" event Friday, September 20. The purpose was to showcase the latest zero-emissions (ZE) vehicle technology and give truckers the first-hand experience of test driving battery electric and fuel cell electric trucks at the Oakland Seaport.

"Embracing zero-emissions vehicles is another major step in providing clean transportation alternatives for moving freight,” said Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan. “We thank the Harbor Trucking Association, and our public and private partners for making this event a success and investing in cleaner air. This work helps us continue to implement innovative programs and projects to become a zero-emissions port.” 

Several companies brought their latest ZE trucks to the Oakland Seaport, offered test drives and answered questions about their vehicles that provide cleaner transportation. As part of the transition to ZE vehicles, experts were on hand with information about vehicle leasing, financing opportunities, hydrogen fuel trucks, electric charging infrastructure, and more.

This event brought together the Harbor Trucking Association, Port of Oakland officials, Port maritime tenants, business partners, sponsor organizations, truckers, clean energy vehicle experts, and truck company representatives. It’s critical to connect truckers and maritime service providers to new and emerging ZE vehicles and introduce them to governmental resources for financing and funding incentives.

The Port of Oakland is a leader among U.S. ports for implementing ZE projects and has been an early adopter of innovative clean energy programs.

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