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New, first-of-its-kind interagency sea level rise website is live

about 3 hours ago

For the first time, the public has access to a whole-of-government, comprehensive online resource all about sea level rise:

On behalf of the U.S. Interagency Task Force on Sea Level Change, today the U.S. Global Change Research Program officially released the new site. pairs a dynamic delivery of the latest research on sea level change with foundational educational content on how and why sea level rise is happening, its impacts and actions that can be taken to address the challenges coastal communities face from rising seas.

"By boosting access to sea level rise data, the Interagency Task Force on Sea Level Change is helping local communities across the nation access essential information that strengthens our resilience to the changing climate," said NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, Ph.D. "NOAA is proud to be a partner in delivering this valuable whole-of-government approach to a website that bridges between scientific data and real-time decision making."

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