Total Transborder Freight:
U.S.-Mexico down 1.4%
U.S.-Canada down 10.4%
U.S.-Mexico down 11.8%
Truck Freight: $60.9 billion (65.1% of all transborder freight)
U.S.-Canada: $27.8 billion (59.7% of all northern border freight)
U.S.-Mexico: $33.0 billion (70.5% of all southern border freight)
U.S.-Canada up 6.0%
U.S.-Mexico down 4.2%
U.S.-Canada down 3.9%
U.S.-Mexico down 10.9%
U.S.-Canada: $7.3 billion (15.7% of all northern border freight)
Rail Freight: $13.8 billion (14.8% of all transborder freight)
U.S.-Mexico: $6.5 billion (13.9% of all southern border freight)
U.S.-Mexico down 0.2%
U.S.-Mexico down 14.9%
Total Transborder Freight by Mode: U.S.-Canada (both directions) (Dollars in Billions) Truck: $27.8 Rail: $7.3 Pipeline: $4.2 Air: $2.8 Vessel: $1.5 U.S.-Mexico (both directions) (Dollars in Billions) Truck: $33.0 Rail: $6.5 Vessel: $4.3 Air: $1.2 Pipeline: $0.4
Flexi-Van Leasing, LLC (FlexiVan) announces the appointment of Chadwick (Chad) Heller, as its new Chief Commercial Officer, and Keith Saunders, as its new Chief Operating Officer.
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