Air Freight News

AAPA hails $2.9 billion for ‘Clean U.S. Ports Grants’

On October 29th, American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) President & CEO Cary Davis said the AAPA continued its strong advocacy for U.S. ports and emphasized the importance of new federal renewable energy grants, totaling $2.9 billion, supporting new economic development.

Davis said: “I'm excited for all the alternative energy conversations going on because of a … announcement this morning called the EPA Clean Ports Program. Has anyone heard of that little $3 billion grant program? …. These federal monies will support the purchase of battery, electric and hydrogen powered human operated and human maintained equipment.”

Davis was speaking at The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) 2024 Convention in Boston.

In its announcement, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced 55 selected applications for nearly $3 billion in Clean Ports Program grants funded through the Inflation Reduction Act. The selected applications will fund zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure as well as climate and air quality planning at U.S. ports located in 27 states and territories.

This new funding program was built on EPA’s Ports Initiative, which helps the nation’s ports, a critical part of U.S. infrastructure and supply chain, and addresses public health and environmental impacts on surrounding communities.

Clean Port Goals

The goals of the Clean Ports Program are to:

  • Build a foundation for the port sector to transition over time to fully zero-emissions operations, positioning ports to serve as a catalyst for transformational change across the freight sector.
  • Reduce diesel pollution, including criteria pollutants, GHGs (greenhouse gases), and air toxics in near-port communities, especially those with environmental concerns.
  • Help ensure that meaningful community engagement and emissions reduction planning become a part of port industry standard practices.

EPA anticipates making awards once all legal and administrative requirements are satisfied. Selectees will work with EPA over the coming months to finalize project plans before receiving final awards and moving into the implementation phase. Project implementation will occur over the next three to four years depending on the scope of each project.

In the awards, there are two designations: Climate and Air Quality Planning (CAQP) and Zero Emission (ZE) technologies.

Total Grants

There were 55 applications selected for a total of $2.9B in total estimated funding. In the CAQP category, there were 30 applications selected for $60M in total estimated funding. In the Zero Emission Technology (ZE Tech), there were 25 applications selected for $2.8B in total estimated funding.

U.S. Ports Winning Clean Ports Awards

CAQP - Climate and Air Quality Planning, ZE - Zero Emission Tech



Project Details

Financial Amount



Municipality of Anchorage - Don Young Port of Alaska

Emissions inventory

Assess clean energy alternatives, develop energy transition plan, evaluate technology deployment scenarios, safety analysis for hydrogen equipment

Stakeholder engagement and workforce planning analysis



City of Seward: Port of Seward

Vessel shore power

Battery energy storage system and electrical infrastructure upgrades




Oxnard Harbor District Port of Hueneme

Emissions inventory

Develop resiliency plan

Workforce impact analysis

Emissions reduction strategy and community air monitoring (funded separately)



Port of Redwood City

Emissions inventory,

Emissions reductions strategy with targets and actions through 2050,

Resilience assessment and improvement plan,

Comprehensive public participation plan to engage stakeholders at each phase and strategy for collaborative workforce development



City of Los Angeles Harbor Department: Port of Los Angeles

Electric cargo handling equipment and drayage trucks

Charging infrastructure, solar generation, and battery energy storage system

Vessel shore power



Oxnard Harbor District Port of Hueneme

Electric cargo handling equipment and zero-emission drayage trucks,

Charging infrastructure and battery energy storage system



Port Department of the City of Oakland

Electric and hydrogen cargo handling equipment and drayage trucks

Charging infrastructure, solar generation, and battery energy storage system



Port of San Francisco

Electric vessels

Vessel shore power



San Diego Unified Port District, Port of San Diego

Electric cargo handling equipment and on road medium- and heavy-duty vehicles

Charging infrastructure

Vessel shore power



Port of Stockton

Electric cargo handling equipment

Charging infrastructure, solar generation, and battery energy storage system

Vessel shore power




Connecticut Port Authority: Port of New London

Vessel shore power



Enstructure New Haven Holdings LLC, d/b/a Gateway Terminals: Port of New Haven

Electric cargo handling equipment

Charging infrastructure, solar generation, and battery energy storage system




Diamond State Port Corporation: Port of Wilmington

Electric cargo handling equipment

Charging infrastructure




Broward County: Port Everglades

Update 2015 emissions inventory with new data/methodology and analyze reductions from 2015-2024

Plan air emissions reduction strategies among sources identified in inventory

Conduct stakeholder engagement with communities and workforce



Tampa Port Authority: Port Tampa Bay

Emissions inventory

Emissions reduction strategy focused on feasibility, energy needs, and infrastructure upgrades needed to transition to ZE equipment and infrastructure

Stakeholder engagement plan to gather input on emissions reduction strategies and engage port workforce




Georgia Ports Authority: Port of Savannah

Electric cargo handling equipment

Charging infrastructure

Vessel shore power




Port Authority of Guam: Port of Guam

Emissions inventory

Develop emissions reduction strategy and implementation plan

Workforce development impact analysis and community engagement

Climate change vulnerability assessment




Hawaii Department of Transportation

Emissions inventory across 9 Hawai'i ports

Recommendations and strategies for emissions reductions

Engagement with near-port communities



Hawaii Department of Transportation: Honolulu Harbor

Hydrogen cargo handling equipment

Hydrogen storage and fueling infrastructure




Illinois Environmental Protection Agency: Illinois Waterway Ports and Terminals Port Statistical Area, IL

Emissions inventory

Set emissions reductions goals for thousands of vehicles in operation

Strategies for resiliency and community development

Guidance on workforce development opportunities



Illinois Environmental Protection Agency: Illinois International Port District

Electric drayage trucks, cargo handling equipment, vessels, railcar mover and locomotives; hydrogen locomotives

Charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure, solar generation, and battery energy storage system

Vessel shore power




Ports of Indiana: Southern Indiana Ports District

Emissions inventory across 2 Ohio River ports

Emissions reduction target settings and strategy analysis

Ports plan to conduct resiliency planning, community engagement, and workforce development separate from grant funding




Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development: Multiple ports in Louisiana

Develop power use and carbon footprint baseline for 32 Louisiana ports

Develop plans to move towards carbon neutrality

Integrate communities into port decision making

Develop plans to enhance resiliency of ports during severe weather events

Workforce development activities




Port of Portland

Emissions inventory and projected emissions inventory with shore power options

Evaluate feasibility of electrification and shore power implementation throughout Maine including grid capacity analysis

Community collaboration




Maryland Port Administration / MD Dept of Transportation: Port of Baltimore

Update and expand emissions inventory

Alternative energy analysis with emissions reduction strategy plan

Workforce analysis and community engagement plan



Port of Baltimore

Electric cargo handling equipment and drayage trucks

Charging infrastructure, battery energy storage system, electrical infrastructure upgrades




Massachusetts Clean Energy Center: Port of New Bedford

Emissions inventory

Develop emissions reduction strategy including feasibility study for ZE technologies

Workforce impact analysis and stakeholder engagement throughout the project




Port of Detroit

Develop a roadmap for emissions reductions with shore power, ZE medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and port equipment, EV and hydrogen fueling infrastructure

Develop a plan for ensuring local workers and small businesses are included in the transition to ZE

Community and stakeholder engagement with multiple pathways for engagement



Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy: Multiple ports in Michigan

Create a competitive grant program for Michigan water ports to fund eligible activities (resiliency planning, stakeholder engagement, workforce planning, emissions inventories, analyses and accounting practices, development of emissions reductions goals)

Capacity building, workforce development, and engagement with near-port communities



Port of Detroit

Electric cargo handling equipment, vessels, and railcar movers

Charging infrastructure and solar generation




Mississippi State Port Authority: Port of Gulfport

Complete updated emissions inventory

Emissions reduction strategy including development of ZE technology implementation roadmap

Community engagement via public forum and workforce development program informed by a skills gap analysis


 New Jersey; Delaware


Delaware River and Bay Authority: Cape May - Lewes Ferry Terminals

Emissions inventory covering all aspects of ferry operations

Emissions reduction strategy analysis, including goal-setting and stakeholder outreach with communities and workforce

Resilience planning and evaluation


 New York; New Jersey


Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: Port of New York and New Jersey

Emissions inventory and community-centric air monitoring project

Formal community and independent truck owner engagement

Emissions reduction strategy analysis creating a plan to reduce future port emissions, including determining optimal locations for future drayage truck alternative fueling infrastructure



Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: Port of New York and New Jersey

Electric cargo handling equipment, drayage trucks, and vessel

Vessel shore power



SeaStreak LLC: Atlantic Highlands Municipal Harbor

Electric vessels

Battery energy storage system

Vessel shore power




Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority: Port of Cleveland

Electric cargo handling equipment and vessels

Charging infrastructure, solar generation, and battery energy storage system

Vessel shore power




Port of Portland

Emissions inventory including alternative energy/fuels analysis

Emissions reductions strategy analysis including future emissions projections

Community engagement and creation of workforce impact analysis

Update port resilience plan to include applications of ZE technology to increase resilience




Philadelphia Regional Port Authority: Port of Philadelphia

Baseline of emissions generated by terminal operations

Identify availability of terminal and near-terminal space and outline a strategy to power and deploy zero-emission equipment

Community engagement and workforce development



Port of Philadelphia

Electric cargo handling equipment and railcar mover

Charging infrastructure and electrical infrastructure upgrades


 Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico Ports Authority: Port of San Juan

Emissions inventory and projected "business as usual" emissions inventories for 2030/2050

Develop emissions reductions strategies focused on vehicles

Engage with stakeholders

Develop a resiliency plan to protect infrastructure


 South Carolina


South Carolina State Ports Authority: Port of Charleston

Update 2021 emissions inventory

Analyze emissions reductions strategies including state-wide hydrogen equipment/fueling feasibility

Consider community input and workforce development




City of Wilmer: Dallas Intermodal Terminal

Emissions inventory

Emissions reduction strategy, including development of specific emissions reduction targets for heavy-duty vehicles

Community engagement meetings and door to door canvassing to provide updates and receive input



Houston Authority, Port of: Port Houston

Emissions inventory

Emissions reduction strategy analysis including truck route analysis, infrastructure cost assessment, climate action planning, and developing a performance measurement framework

Stakeholder collaboration with communities, trucking industry, and workforce

Resiliency planning



Port Freeport: Port Freeport

Emissions inventory

Port resiliency and implementation plan and electrical feasibility analysis

Comprehensive near-port community benefits and workforce plan



Port of Corpus Christi Authority: Port of Corpus Christi

Electric cargo handling equipment, locomotives, and vessels

Charging infrastructure

Vessel shore power




Utah Inland Port Authority: Salt Lake City Intermodal Terminal

Emissions inventory

Emissions reduction strategy and scenario analysis

Workforce impact analysis and stakeholder engagement



Utah Department of Environmental Quality: Salt Lake City Intermodal Terminal

Electric drayage trucks, locomotives, and cargo handling equipment

Charging infrastructure and solar generation




Virginia Port Authority: Port of Virginia

Electric cargo handling equipment

Charging infrastructure and battery energy storage system




Northwest Seaport Alliance: Port of Tacoma

Emissions inventory

Terminal-specific feasibility analysis of ZE technology with planning to transition 40 pieces of CHE and light-duty vehicles to zero-emissions, and engineering and design for shore power

Consider workforce development and community needs in planning process

Consider climate resilience needs in planning process



Port of Anacortes

Emissions inventory

Development of emissions reductions plan including port-wide air quality and climate targets

Workforce planning and community collaboration via stakeholder engagement plan, EJ outreach plan and community benefits plan

Resiliency assessment



Port of Bellingham

Build on significant emissions inventories and planning work

Develop a port-wide energy transition action plan with focus on resiliency and long-term emissions reductions

Community engagement framework and workforce development assessment



Port of Seattle

Vessel activity and maritime fuel inventory

Harbor vessel decarbonization feasibility study and sustainable maritime fuels transition analysis

Engagement with industry, workforce, and near-port communities



Port of Anacortes

Electric cargo handling equipment and vessels

Charging infrastructure

Vessel shore power



Port of Port Angeles

Electric cargo handling equipment

Vessel shore power



Port of Vancouver

Electric cargo handling equipment

Charging infrastructure

Vessel shore power


Source: US Environmental Protection Agency
Stas Margaronis
Stas Margaronis


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